Not everybody really enjoying updating only by text, the growth of social photo becoming enlarge to evolve and making them together as a pack. Social photo, in their development, is widely use by people because their understanding of something becoming more clearly wide. The use of photo, we also aware of instagram, now a new kind of social photo with packing function, and categories them into board and pinned them. Pinterest, A social photo by using a board pin, to make people gruping their interest on the web, and pinned them so that what they pick is their interest on. By default, we can register on the web, by going to , The registering is easy if we have a facebook account or twitter account. Just make use of linking account.
And a great thing about pinterest is .. you can also register on Android device, with pinterest you can search photo’s of anything you interest on. Also you can see what other people have their pinned on the same subject you search.
An example of ist of categories you might interested on. When you picked a category, you’ll find a variety of pictures and many of them by popularity of pinned and numbers of follow.
By doing so, we can cek out other people pinned picture's and if we like them . there are a like feature and also follow feature, so that the one you like you gain subscribe to their updates. Pinterest is growing market or social photo , the difference to instagram is, their photo comes with a very wide of categories, but pinterest just making them as narrow as possible.
The functions of pinterest is under going, but it is and advantage from instagram, and i think we should take the advantages of using this kind of social photo to make our life much much easier. The Social in the pinterest is some how over shared, because we can use the pinterest it self as a local source, or if we want to , we can also shared a link to facebook or twitter.
The searching functions is wider, by people, by board nor by pins. That surely make the keywords and things we want to search for is taking a narrower. Well, that social photo in terms of my brief explainations and if you like to join them, it is so naturally easy, and above all, the social networks that i posted in this blog, is never the same and i always tried to make them as easier to understand.