Tuesday, November 8, 2011




                 On everyday life’s we often see and admired some thing beautiful as the honey combs, or see anything that very nice to admire to. Just to see them, is very natural, often we want to record or maybe make the scene immortal as we want them to be when we like to see it. To do so, we use pictures or maybe some video recording. Well, I want to talk about a kind of social network to link people who do just that. The Photo’s and video’s often got removed accidentally or perhaps on purpose. If you got any memorabilia photo’s of your first date or first kiss and you want them to be there, why not uploading them to Flickr, First it mainly a server for picture’s but in today’s age they becoming a brand new kind of social networks that uses picture’s or video’s and share them to your daily social networks.

                 Got the idea’s yet? To join Flickr,  first, you need to sign in in various kind of networks available. 


                    Well, if you didn’t have any account, why don’t you sign up than. It easy as 1,2,3 and there you have it, 2 accounts on Yahoo or Google, and Flickr account linked to them.


                      Not that difficult right? … as you go on to complete your registrations and more, you might want to see this first.


                      The settings is needed so you can use them to make an easy of your account or url which you make a benefit of making them easier to post to or just embed to needs. Flickr account is divided by two, a free account which is very useful in the end, and the paid account, which is very nice to make your pictures and more interactive to your other account on other sites as well. As shown in below picture.


                Setting is needed when you want your uploaded picture’s to be shared to other sites nor accounts on other social networks. Such as facebook, twitter, Tumblr, or Blogger, don’t forget your picture’s can be shared to to your Yahoo account. The thing is .. when you complete all the accounts that you have, you might see them cross updated and even double posted on other linked sites. To ensure that you don’t do that, is to make your linked accounts bot not to make them cross updated to each other, meaning you just need them to use one way update. This can be very frustrating when you get double posted. The Stream which I use is Flickr –>Twitter ---> Yahoo, and than Flickr --->Facebook , You don’t use facebook –> Yahoo and make double posted on Yahoo, which can be spam for your friends to see it.

                  Now, the questions, how you make your pictures be socialized to others. It was easy, when you see Your Profile drop down menu, you notice that your pictures can be see by others and might shown by others too. This function leads you to socializing your pictures and make your pictures talks more than posting update by words. Your pictures in Flickr can be manage and group them as you like. Gives them comments or sets you pictures to be commented by others as well. You might find this on the setting menu. The neat thing about Flickr is you can see your pictures and shared them to your contacts or people you know, other part is the pictures can be commented and tags or even used by others (which is your property rights to make them seeable or not to others).


                 To use your contacts to be linked to Flickr and find whether your friends have a Flickr account to is just click the photo contacts menu. Ones you added them and become your contacts, they too be available whenever they updated pictures or videos. Neat huh? .. So why waits ? sign up and join Flickr as one of the largest social photo’s networks around.
